Founded in 2021, strives to provide its users with the best trading experience and give small and medium market cap assets a reliable trading hub. Our goal is to maintain a fast and user friendly system while also concentrating on security to keep users, data, and assets safe. Security of our users' data & assets is always our top priority and we are focused on building an easy to use digital asset trading platform for everyone to enjoy.
Trade and transact seamlessly with CmusicAI, paired up with different cryptocurrencies from Xeggex for maximum flexibility and accessibility.
Click on the cryptocurrency you want to trade CMS with, to open the exchange website.
Fcex is a Singapore-based cryptocurrency centralized exchange (CEX) founded in 2018. The exchange provides users with a safe, professional, and convenient transaction experience. The company is leading the trend of the digital asset industry by effectively providing a wide range of tools including Spot Trading, Perpetual Futures, Turbo Starter, Financial service, and more. Fcex will constantly adapt to new market needs with the continuous introduction of new features.
Trade and transact seamlessly with CmusicAI, paired up with different cryptocurrencies from Fcex for maximum flexibility and accessibility.
Click on the cryptocurrency you want to trade CMS with, to open the exchange website.